With the R&G method: counting calories was yesterday! How to better control your calorie intake

Calorie counting doesn't work! At least not in the long run. It can be a useful snapshot and create some awareness of how many calories are in certain amounts and products. In the long term, however, it is simply not practical enough for most. In fact, the only people I…

#KriseAlsChance: Mentally fit – this is how you solve your energy problem!

Many people have an energy problem. We may call it “no time” or blame it on bad circumstances, but the truth is, a degenerate lifestyle is the reason why there is simply a lack of energy A lack of motivation is ultimately just a lack of energy! Because when the…

Fit despite an office job – these 6 steps really help

What to expect in this article: Scientifically researched - Why office workers urgently need to be more active Muscles, bones, fascia - What sitting does to your body Sluggish and lethargic - How sitting disturbs your motivation and inhibits the desire to move Complete program - 6 steps for more…

#KriseAlsChance: You will LOVE this home gym (for less than 250 euros!)

The gyms are closed. It takes getting used to when you can no longer lift heavy weights with the usual equipment. But that's certainly no reason to let yourself go and get out of shape! The fact is that there is an opportunity here too. Namely, to become more independent…

Fix shoulder misalignment: How to properly combine chest and back training

Of all the joints in our body, the shoulder joint offers by far the greatest range of motion. This is extremely practical, but it also makes the shoulder a hotspot for injuries and poor posture. The latter occur in particular as a result of one-sided loads. In everyday life, the…

The Ultimate Kettlebell Swing Guide – Benefits, Technique & Daily Swing Challenge

What to expect in this article: 5 reasons why EVERYONE benefits from the kettlebell swing Maximum body fat burning, cracking buttocks and athleticism in one The perfect equipment Which kettlebells last best and why quality is the key The right kettlebell swing technique How to learn the swing quickly and…