With the R&G method: counting calories was yesterday! How to better control your calorie intake

Calorie counting doesn’t work! At least not in the long run. It can be a useful snapshot and create some awareness of how many calories are in certain amounts and products.

In the long term, however, it is simply not practical enough for most.

In fact, the only people I know who track their diet in the long term are those who do it full-time (and usually don’t have a family of their own). This particularly applies to fellow coaches, some of whom coach past reality.

Because the fact is, almost everyone else stops counting early if they even start counting. But how can you control your portion sizes without counting the calories?

Because that much is clear: not only quality, but also quantity plays a decisive role in a healthy diet for a lean and fit body.

More precisely, the dose usually makes the poison. And there is too much “good”.

Below you will find out how you can replace calorie counting with the R&G method I developed for my clients. With this integrative strategy EVERYONE can easily control their calorie intake in order to get slim and stay slim!

How the natural control mechanism is tricked (to your disadvantage)

You have probably already recognized that the fundamental problem – overeating – is closely linked to feeling full. Usually, satiety is used to make hunger go away once enough nutrients and energy have been absorbed.

It’s basically our natural control mechanism, and it actually works very well. It’s just stupid that we managed to outsmart him – with foods that don’t actually deserve the name.

The most seductive products out there are characterized above all by the fact that they have a high energy density and at the same time hardly fill you up. A diabolical combination!

Think ice cream, chocolate, chips, and all of the “soft” fast food out there – hot dogs, pizza, donuts. Everything is very easy to chew.

As a result, calories are practically inhaled at a speed with which the delayed feeling of satiety often cannot keep up.

Now compare the examples given with a rump steak. Or chicken breast. Salmon. Broccoli. Carrots. Apples. How do you get to 1000 calories more easily and quickly?

That is why the basis of every healthy diet is the principle of satiety. If you are not yet familiar with it, I advise you to catch up on this at times, because it will raise your understanding of nutrition to a new level. Open up a higher-level perspective that will help you understand a lot that has been contradicting up to now was.

At this point it is important to note first of all: The feeling of satiety works best when we consume the “right” foods. With fast and junk food, on the other hand, you overeat very quickly, take in far too many calories, clog arteries over the long term and let the tub grow.

Waiver is not a solution

Okay, just forego quick food, sweets and the like may be an option. The only problem is: who is ready to implement this permanently? Who really want that?

I don’t know anyone. Really nobody. No trainer, no serious expert and certainly no client who is ready.

I never asked my clients to do this myself, at least not permanently. It can make sense temporarily in individual cases, but it is usually counterproductive over the long term. It’s more about a healthy balance.

Because food as a luxury food has long been part of our culture and is usually anchored as such from an early age.

But more importantly: The most delicious things can usually be obtained quickly and without hassle – saving time and energy (this means mental energy).

Permanent renunciation is therefore not an option for most of the people out there.

And let’s be honest: Who wants to prepare all meals during the day? Those who live in the fitness soap bubble can do it. I do it myself.

Most of my clients are not competitive athletes, trainers or the like. You have a full time job, family, friends, and hobbies that all take up time.

They just want to be a little fitter, look better and live healthier – but don’t want to turn every little detail of their life inside out. The usual lunch? What’s in the canteen right now!

That’s okay, everyone has to decide for themselves where to draw the line between enjoyment and health. Incidentally, this is still healthier than the disordered eating habits that many of the “Eat Clean” extremists have.

That’s why I always knew that my clients need integrative mechanisms to limit their calorie intake to a healthy level.

One of these mechanisms is the R&G method and it is based on the fact that saturation is less of a point than rather a rather flexible area.

Full and over-saturated – The subtle difference

Important insight: There is a tolerance range for saturation. It starts with what can be called “healthy full” and ends with oversaturation.

Being full therefore doesn’t mean not getting down any more food.

Full simply means having eliminated hunger. You can still eat afterwards. May it be out of habit or because the plate is not empty yet or because the food just tastes too good.

This is our main problem: oversaturation instead of saturation.

Due to a combination of factors, including the “wrong” foods, but also hectic and “snares”, many (especially overweight) people are much closer at supersaturation than at saturation.

Now it gets exciting: How do we solve this problem without counting calories?

To do this, let’s look at how you feel when you are either saturated or oversaturated. You have probably already seen both often enough. How did you feel after How can you tell whether you are full or oversaturated?

The answer: Fatigue and indolence or energy and lightness. That’s the subtle difference! If you eat too much, you feel tired, sluggish and sleepy afterwards. Those who are closer to the “healthy full” feel more light and motivated.

But what do you intuitively not want when you have eaten too much? Move. So exercise is exactly what we should be doing!

The R&G method protects you from oversaturation

R&G stands for Rise and Go. Get up and go.

As simple as it sounds, the method makes sense. You can use them for different purposes, by the way. They can be used to overcome morning sluggishness in the long term. You can also use it to eliminate the usual dessert.

It works! Maybe because it’s so simple. The effect occurs quickly and has a lasting effect.

If you get used to getting up straight after your meals and walking for 10-15 minutes (by the way, you can also collect valuable steps directly), you automatically get used to enough but not to eat too much ! Because it takes a lot of effort to get up straight away in an oversaturated state. The indolence that sets in will beg you to “sit back and relax”, maybe do a little small talk, check your cell phone or the like.

Stop it! Just get up and go. One of the most effective measures, to restrict and control the calorie intake integratively.

Try it out. So far I have only had positive experiences with it – with myself and with clients.

By the way, there is a lot more to the seemingly simple R&G method than you might think. Here are a few final thoughts and insights:

  • It also works with those foods that “outsmart” the feeling of satiety. Because the symptoms of oversaturation are then delayed, but usually occur more strongly. Sometimes you only notice it when you move. The movement then has two effects: It relieves the symptoms (tiredness, weakness and sluggishness) and gives you important feedback (“That was too much!”). You will be sensitized to the right “dose” of food in the long term and you will learn to better assess when to stop eating.
  • It doesn’t have to be at every meal. Lunch is best. In the morning you have just finished your night’s sleep, the body has released a few activity hormones such as cortisol when you get up and you are therefore less prone to fatigue. In the evening, tiredness is desired to a certain extent, because after dinner there is usually not much to do anyway (which is why I even aim for oversaturation at dinner based on the Warrior Diet). At noon, on the other hand, there is still half the day ahead of you, there are still numerous tasks to be mastered and appointments to be kept. Unfavorable if you then fall into an energy hole – and that is exactly what happens to almost everyone! Many people only know how to make do with coffee, but that doesn’t work forever (caffeine tolerance) and can also have some very unfavorable side effects (e.g. high blood pressure). You know better now: The afternoon low is mainly due to lunch. Either you ate too much or you ate too much of the wrong things (especially sugar and other fast carbohydrates) – or both. Either way, it will help you get up and leave after eating. To get a better feeling for satiety and oversaturation on the one hand and to burn energy on the other hand (sugar becomes a problem especially when the energy is not burned).
  • The R&G method helps against Heartburn. Ingestion of food stimulates the production of stomach acid for digestion. Heartburn is caused by stomach acid flowing back. In contrast to the stomach, the esophagus is sensitive to this and can be damaged – hence the pain. The risk of heartburn is higher when lying down or sitting than when moving. (We recommend to athletes proviron kaufen) The movement increases the closing pressure, so it rather ensures that the corresponding muscles close the stomach better. At the same time, stomach emptying is promoted, a bloated stomach is reduced by the gentle massage of the movement Relaxed movement, NO sport! After eating, the body’s focus is of course on digestion. The vagus nerve is activated and the body switches to relaxation mode. Light walking is an activity, but it is also relaxing. This is especially true for those who work primarily while sitting. The short walk promotes relaxation.
  • Power napping is still possible – afterwards. If you have the opportunity, you can definitely make use of a short nap. I use the opportunity myself whenever I can. The research here is very clear: a short nap has been shown to help with stress management and is health-promoting. After the walk, however, it is usually better to “nap”, as can be seen from the previous point on the list.
  • No time? Everyone has 10 minutes. Bring it up to overcome sluggishness and your inner weaker self, or at some point bring up a multiple of it to deal with illness and lack of energy. The good: it’s entirely your responsibility.


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